
Saturday, January 29, 2011


After a really grand month of classic - vintage, even - fires, we seem to have gotten a bad batch of wood.  The kind that's more interested in smoking and glowing and slowly reducing to ash over the course of several hours rather than actually sending up flames.  Perhaps the fireplace is trying to tell us something?

I have to say that these days/nights in front of the fire have been some of my favorite spent in the house.  Admittedly, sitting for hours on end in front of a fireplace isn't exactly the most productive use of time - but the laptop allows for any number of inert activities, some of which are active (website construction, for example) and many of which are passive (we just spent our Friday evening watching various content delivered via Hulu, DVD & the WB site).  

Tomorrow, I have a split media day, with the bulk of the morning/afternoon given over to drawing the next David Greenberger comic, and the evening being a recording session.  I wonder if I can do all of that in front of a fire?  I can try.


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