And, oy. She's effectively ruined Thanksgiving for me for the rest of my life. No-one else can come close to that patented, cover of Yankee Magazine picture-perfect Traditional New England Thanksgiving Dinner that she trotted out, seemingly with as much effort as the rest of us would expend in making buttered toast. I mean, I feel badly for myself that she's passed on the workload to her children and I won't get to eat that primal meal anymore. But I feel much, much sorrier for the rest of you who will never know just how fucking great a Thanksgiving Dinner can be. Oh, you think you know, but you don't. Bear in mind that I was born on Thanksgiving, so I have a proprietary interest in the holiday, and I say: Evelyn. Tessier. Was. The. Best. Ever.
Yesenia and I had originally planned to attend the party at Wright's Farm in Rhode Island for Evelyn this past weekend, and then bum around the state for our anniversary, but stuff around the house left us feeling cranky and untravelworthy. But here's a photo (courtesy Judy Tessier), for that kind-of, sort-of, you-are-there vibe - the birthday girl, flanked by grandson Danny, grandson-in-law Rashid, and cake.

Note the little wine accident next to the cake. I'm guessing it was a rowdy old time at Wright's Farm. Sorry I missed it...
What is a grandon in law??...and how did Danny and Rashid happen??
That's America, baby.
You were missed! Cait is learning to bake applie pies...but she has a long, long way to go!
P.S. Happy anniversary.
Your second cousin once removed in law, Judy
Yeah, we definitely wanted to attend. But the pictures were great, so thanks!
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