
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

World Exclusive Premiere!

You're Welcome.


P.S.: If you don't see the video, just go here.


Christine said...

umm... am I the only one seeing a plain white rectangle? Is this, like, "art" or something?

Dave Kopperman said...

Sorry. Try


Anonymous said...

Not a fan of the show.. Although I did like their first comedy special on HBO, the one that probably landed them the show..

Anonymous said...

Theyre a way less funny NZ vesion of the D..

Dave Kopperman said...

Both Tenacious D and FOTC are equally genius to me. I prefer the music of FOTC a bit, since they deal in forms that I like more than metal.


Unknown said...

Thanks, Dave. I love this show. And I don't have cable.

Dave Kopperman said...

It's so low key. The best 'laugh after' show since Kids in the Hall.


Christine said...

Thanks again for having been the first (well, tied with Karl I suppose) to expose me to it...

Dave Kopperman said...

I did expose Karl to it, so there you go.

In fact, in a very rare instance, I was the first person I knew to 'discover' them, but that was only a few weeks before their initial HBO special.

Usually, I'm the last person to know...
