
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What's The Opposite of Being a Hypochondriac?

Maybe the time has finally come to admit to myself that the pain in my right hand is only getting worse and is unlikely to go away on its own...



Karl said...

Could be carpal tunnel. Hey... Are you copying me?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need a shot of cortisone.. I was in fucking agony for a year with my right hand/wrist... It wasnt carpal tunnel is was some other thing... couldnt move it with out excruciating pain.. plus it got out of joint.. finally I went to the orthopedist and he gave me some pills that did shit.. after a month I came back and told him to give me a shot of cortisone which he did.. instantly about 80-90% of the pain disappeared I could actually feel the liquid from the needle burst whatever scar tissue was there that had built up for a year... It still feels sore but the excruciating pain is gone

Dave Kopperman said...

The reason why I think it might be repetitive strain related is that my right hand is the workhorse for both typing & mouseing - and, especially, using the damn trackpad on the MacBook & keyboard playing. Both of which have ramped up a lot in the last three months.

I guess I should switch back to bass and get myself a trackball...


shaunian said...

Don't do the trackball thing. It's for old guys at the bus station playing centipede.

Dave Kopperman said...

I thought that was you! I beat your score, motherfucker!
